Author: Medowie Gumnuts

Preschools nationwide are embracing the nude food revolution and encouraging children to bring a rubbish free lunch to preschool. For the uninitiated, ‘nude food’ is food that comes to school without disposable packaging – extra plastic bags, paper bags, wrappings, plastic water bottles or cling wraps. Australia is the second highest producer of waste per person in the western world! 
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At Medowie Gumnut Preschool, we are passionate about nutrition for children. Children have their own unique nutrient needs and meeting those needs is vital for a child to grow up big and strong (and healthy)! A child’s diet should consist of a variety of foods that contain a range of nutrients. Nutrients In Food When talking about food, you’ll often 
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When to start your child in school is a major decision for parents, particularly for those with a child whose birthday is amidst the grey area of cut-off dates. Do you send at 4½ or wait until almost 6 years old? School readiness is not about being able to count or know the alphabet – these are skills that are 
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