
On a typical Australian summer day, the temperature inside a parked car can be as much as 30 degrees to 40 degrees hotter than the outside temperature. Imagine even on day of approximately 20 degrees, the temperature inside a closed car could be up to 60 degrees! According to health experts, one of the most dangerous factors during excessively hot 
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This week has brought a number of events that turned our minds to how to support you when young children in your care are made anxious or sad by personal or media news. We are all saddened by the terrible accident at Dreamworld. Nearly two million people visit Dreamworld every year, particularly families with children. Many young children are also 
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What should your child be able to say and when? Oh listen to her. Doesn’t she sound cute? She says ‘wuck’ for ‘truck”. Do you, as a parent, do you often wonder when words move from the ‘cute’ category to the ‘is this normal’ category? Is it normal for a three year old to struggle with the word ‘truck’? The 
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